Forum "Homolog hunting: BLAST"

Sujet de discussion: New species found

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New species found
3 Jul 2017 18:39
Contribution non évaluée

Annotathon Report



>TO65M_6543020 Genomic DNA (: Mamoudzou-CapeTown station 65 MESO)












Text Box: Cover page – (maximum 1 page)

Name:	Ng Jia Xin					Student Number: 19148308

Annotathon code: 		TO65M_6543020.1

Sample Information:	Mamoudzou-CapeTown station 65 MESO ()
GPS: -35,233875N 26,326342E
Sampled on 12-Jul-2010 at 10:31:43
Filtered to: 0.2-3 microns
Depth: MESOm (Sea floor: m) 
Temperature: 8°C
Genomic Sequence:

Translation Used:
Frame 1, 581 nucleotide sequences and a positive strand. 

Translated sequence

Commentary on Translation

This ORF was chosen as it it is the longest with the most nucleotide sequence among the other ORFs. The ORF translated showed that it’s a heme protein found in a potato.  Does the putative protein represent a full protein? The 3’ end is not completed because total sequence of this potato heme protein has 260 amino acid while this only has 180 amino acid.


ORF 1:








BLAST data



Commentary on the BLAST data

Relevant score(166) is high because the sequence similarity is very similar to the protein that we found and E-value is 1e-50 which means that the chance when searching a database is very high. The percentage identity to the nearest homologues is 53%.


Protein domains and structure




Proposed biological function (maximum 300 words plus supporting figures)

This is the heme-containing component of the cytochrome b-c1 complex, which accepts electrons from Rieske protein and transfers electrons to cytochrome c in the mitochondrial respiratory chain.
The main subunits of complex b-c1 are: cytochrome b,cytochrome c1 and the Rieske protein.

This protein is found in mitochondrion inner membrane; Single-pass membrane protein; Intermembrane side.

Belongs to the cytochrome c family. {ECO:0000305}.


Phylogenetics (maximum 1 page of figures and text)


This gene comes from a potato but usually potato is found in the soil as it is an underground stem but since this is found in the deep ocean, it could be a new plant type which have not been discovered.