Adil 28 Apr 2011 9:46 Contribution non évaluée |
MPLDPRCKLTAPKYNPPRTWTPKGTVGMGGSSTAIYPDRLPGGYQIFGRTPVPIWDPEKRFDVFKDSICLFRPGDRIKFNPCSYEEFEMIEKKIEDQSYKYDLIEDQKFSI NKYKKWLKSLDYKKKF, this is the result of codon sequences chosen from the -1 frame through ORF finder using one of the NCBI tools, as the SMS toold did not presented any result using the following settings: 1. Return ORF only 60 codons long 2. ORF can begin with ATG the above protein is taken from the longest ORF result, from 264-647, i.e. 384 in length, below is the actual result. There are a total of 127 amino acids
647 atgcctctagatccaagatgtaaattaacggctcctaaatacaac M P L D P R C K L T A P K Y N 602 ccacctagaacatggacacctaagggtacggtaggtatgggtgga P P R T W T P K G T V G M G G 557 tcttcgactgccatatatccagatcgactgcctggaggttatcaa S S T A I Y P D R L P G G Y Q 512 atatttggtagaaccccagtgcctatttgggatcctgaaaaaagg I F G R T P V P I W D P E K R 467 tttgatgtttttaaagatagtatctgtctatttagacctggcgat F D V F K D S I C L F R P G D 422 agaattaaatttaatccatgtagctacgaagaatttgagatgatt R I K F N P C S Y E E F E M I 377 gaaaagaaaatagaagatcaatcttataagtatgatctaattgaa E K K I E D Q S Y K Y D L I E 332 gatcaaaaattttctattaacaaatataaaaaatggcttaagagt D Q K F S I N K Y K K W L K S 287 ctagattataaaaaaaaattttga 264 L D Y K K K F * |