Supervisor 12 Dec 2008 19:14 Maître de jeu |
I have just finished adding the "[b]in-group/out-group design[/b]" and "[b]FASTA sets from BLAST[/b]" howto's to the Frequently Asked Questions ([url=]FAQ[/url] in the Help menu above). Table of contents is now: [code] 1 Translation, ORFs and coding/non-coding status 2 INTERPRO: Identifying conserved protein domains 3 BLAST: Finding sequence homologs 4 Using BLAST to compile a list of FASTA formatted sequence homologs 5 A microbial view of the Tree Of Life 6 Designing sequence ingroups and outgroups for phylogenetic tree inference 6.1 Strategy for defining ingroups and outgroups 6.2 List of complete microbial genomes at NCBI 6.3 Common pitfalls & difficulties in building trees 7 Infering phylogenetic trees [/code]
Let me know if this covers most foreseeable questions. Since the FAQ is a Wiki, you're also most welcome to update, upgrade, or extend at will (you will need to create a Wiki account since I have have not yet a shared user authentication between the Annotathon and the Wiki).
Good week end to all, Pascal |